Grooms Look Good Too

Having posted about why a bride would have photos taken of her getting ready, I thought I’d follow-up with why a groom would want images taken of himself getting ready. These kinds of photos can be very similar to a bride getting ready, but also very different too (a groom usually doesn’t have a gigantic lace up dress to get into).

Not too many couples opt for photos of the groom getting ready, but honestly I just love these kinds of photos. There is a different energy with a group of guys, and maybe it’s having a pair of brothers myself, but I love just hanging out and relaxing with the grooms dudes.

Photos of a groom preparing for his wedding day can often consist of similar elements: detail shots of things he will be wearing like shoes, a tie, his boutonniere, cufflinks or any other special items.

2013-05-27_0005During these photos, I often try to act as much as a “fly on the wall” as possible.  Perhaps it is the grooms that I have had the pleasure of working with, but I find that these men are less likely to enjoy being the centre of photographic attention, so I try to capture these gentle creatures in their natural habitats (or rather, just allow them to be as they are end take photos along the way).


Typically, I’ll get images of the guys having fun and being themselves – playing video games, smoking a cigar, or enjoying a beer.  Other times, I get images of the groom dressing, putting on his tie, and making last minute adjustments.

Mother of Groom putting boutonniere on groomA groom having his boutonniere pinned on by his mother or another friend or family member is a great opportunity to show off a little bit of love.

All in all, the preparation by the couple is all part of telling the fantastic story of the whole wedding day, that I just love telling!