Spring is Springing!

I think with this weekend’s lovely weather, spring is perhaps finally and officially on its way.  Finally.

I feel like spring has been a long time coming this year, and I’m anxious to get out and about in the gardens and for the threat of snow to be a long, long ways away.

Evan and I were for a walk to the Toronto Botanical Gardens and Edwards Gardens, but to enjoy the lack of snow and to enjoy the first tiny signs of spring.

Spring crocuses at Toronto Botanical Gardens

Evan was… uhm… very “helpful” in the photographing of the pussy willows, you see.  There is a very special spot in my heart for pussy willows. When I was a kid my next door neighbours had a magnificent pussy willow tree in their backyard. The story went that their son had brought home a bouquet for his mother that had a spring of pussy willow in it, and had later stuck the stick in the middle of the background. And it just turned into a tree.  There was always something so magically tactile to me about the pussy willow blossoms, and not being allowed to have a cat of my own as a child, it was akin to petting tiny little kittens that grew on branches.

Spring pussy willows and evan

Our walk did give me an opportunity to (at times not purposefully) turn the camera to Evan. Hello handsome!

Edwards Gardens Evan on a bridge

So I think this is solid proof that spring has arrived, and is here to stay. I might even take the snow brush out of my car for the rest of the season. Or is that tempting fate too much? Perhaps I should wait a few more weeks just to be sure!

Toronto Botanical Gardens Spring growth of ivy and plants

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